
Naughty Faeries Stripper Assassins #3

Created by Comic Art Groupie - Wendy Steen Shaner

"Song of Seduction" A fun, grim dark fantasy filled with sexy adventures and of course Naughty Faerie Stripper Assassins.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

WINNERS 1-3 Announcement videos and Upcoming
over 4 years ago – Mon, Oct 28, 2019 at 11:41:13 PM

Naughty Ones,

First, I want to thank you all for supporting the project! You are amazing!

Now I am going to make three people very happy!

Here are the winners for the first 3 weeks of the campaign!!!!

Week 1


Week 2 Giveaway Winner


And our 3rd winner of the holofoil giveaway....

Congratulations to all three of our winners!

That means that there is one winner left to announce!

I will be doing a Facebook live video and sharing it out to Kickstarter TOMORROW!

I hope you can join in! I will share what is happening with the project and the upcoming Kickstarter!

Thanks you everyone and I hope you have a Naughty Night

The Naughtiest Faerie


Challenge Coin, errored cards and Giveaway
over 4 years ago – Thu, Oct 24, 2019 at 04:55:22 PM

Naughty Ones

Thank you all for helping to bring this project to life! It has been exciting and very successful because of all of you!

First the Winning Challenge Coin. I want to thank everyone for their votes for the coin! It was a tie most of the way with the winning coin inching forward in the last day!

The winning coin design is....

Winning Challenge Coin Design!

is the Design 2 - Antique Copper Coin!

If you coin was not the winner, do not worry, we have another kickstarter coming at the end of November/Beginning of Dec that will have the coin featured...but that is all I can say right now. we are still working on the details!

We have a few erroered cards. Please check and see if your card needs to be updated. Kickstarter gives you 7 days, we are down to 5 to get it fixed, As soon as those are taken care of I can reveal the WINNERS of the Red Barbedwire Ultra Rare Holofoil covers by Lorenzo Sperlonga! 

Ultra Rare Holofoil Red Barbedwire Cover by Lorenzo Spoerlonga - Last one for the giveaway (LIMITED to 4)

I can't wait to show these. I may do the final drawing live so people can be there! Let me know if you are interested in a live video of the drawing and the reveals of the winning backers. I think that would be a lot of fun!

I will be sending out the survey for Bakerkit very soon. If there was something you would like to add, that you weren't able to during the campaign, you will have a chance to pre-order them. I will need these back ASAP once they are sent out, so that I can get your mailing address and  get your goodies ordered and shipped to you! Digital rewards also, so that you you get them delivered to the correct email. 

Also if I have not heard from you about backing Lili Demoness or Cara Nicole's  Calendar, please message me so I can make a note and make sure that you get your free goodies from our cross promotion.

I will let you know when these surveys are emailed out, so you can check Spam folders or promotional folders on your email!

Thank you all for the support and sharing and enthusiasm! You have all made this our most successful campaign!

Have a Naughty Day

The Naughtiest Faerie


YOU DID IT! 172 Backers made this the best campaign EVER!
over 4 years ago – Wed, Oct 23, 2019 at 03:35:42 AM

Naughty Ones

I am so thrilled by the campaign.  You guys made this project so successful and I am so humbled and proud of what had been created!

We beat every record, most backers, fastest funded, most rewards, most comments, most discussions, and of course the First ever Challenge Coin!

Nanci Vasconcellos and Kylie Knight each debuted their first covers. We welcomed new artists to the Naughty Faeries Family, Lorenzo Sperlonga, Ruben Rosas, Sanju Nivangune.

We embraced our returning artists, David Harrigan, Kristina Hagerty, Ruth Lucas, Stef Wilson, Kerry Anne, and Alex Kotkin.

The cross promotions with Lili' Demoness and Cara Nicole's calendar (still happening and ends tomorrow - be sure to back it) was beyond AMAZING! It shows how artists are not completing with one another, but sharing successes and building a beautiful community! That was the best part of this much sharing and help we gave one another! Showing once again, how awesome this comic book community is and how we can shape how independent artists, writers, and backers can work together to make amazing books and take an incredible journey together!

Without everyone involved it would not have been a success! Thank you all for you part in the project!

Have a Naughty Night

The Naughtiest Faerie


Final 24 Hours + and Challenge Coin unlocked and new Stretch Goals (QUICKIE update)
over 4 years ago – Tue, Oct 22, 2019 at 01:10:22 AM

Naughty Ones,

I am truly humbled by your support throughout this campaign! You have made this comic book a HUGE success and I can not thank you enough!

The Challenge coin is unlocked and I will be announcing the next stretch goal tonight on FB live at 7PM PST! If you can find me - Wendy Steen Shaner, I would love to have you join in the fun. I never do well when left unattended!

Thank you again for all you support and if you have any questions please let me know I am happy to help you. Remember all rewards can be added on. SO if there is something you want in addition to your pledge, increase you pledge (green number) and send a message to me, so I can make a note and be sure to set one aside for you!

Thank you all for a great campaign and I will be talking with you soon.

Have a Naughty Night

The Naughtiest Faerie


15th Stretch Goal unlocked!!!! Black Bag Naughty Cover Reveal
over 4 years ago – Sat, Oct 19, 2019 at 01:59:34 PM

Naughty Ones,

You are AMAZING! I can't begin to thank you for all your support! This campaign has been breaking all the records and setting new goals for the future, and I can't thank you enough!

The TA-DA Metal card has been unlocked! All physical backers will get one for FREE in their rewards packages. Digital backers will get a digital wallpaper.

All FREE with your Pledge

Now for the Big ONE! First Ever Naughty Faeries Challenge Coin!There continues to be a tie for which coin should be the one for the campaign! I get one vote for the silver design and right after for the copper! Please continue to vote for your favorite!

Vote for design 1 or design 2

I believe that we can unlock this stretch goal! I really want to give all physical backers a coin! If you are a digital backer you will get a cool wallpaper of the winning design!

We still have Nanci Vasconcellos, David Harrigan and Ruth Lucas's Original Art available! As well as a couple other Original art pieces from previous campaigns if you are interested, from Anthony Helmer and Tone Rodriguez!

Nanci Vasconcellos' Original Art Package - Comes with Original Art, 11x17 print and the comic
Ruth Lucas Original Art Package - Comes with both original art pieces (11x17) 2 11x17 prints and both comic covers
David Harrigan Original Art Package - Original Art, 11x17 Print, Regular Cover NFSA #2

If there is something you want to add on to your reward package, increase your pledge (green number) and let me know what you want, so I can have it set aside for you!

Please share the project on social media, so we can spread the word in the final days of the campaigns. If you want some "magical images" send me a message either through FB messager or through email [email protected], and I will be happy to send some your way! 


Have a Naughty Day

The Naughtiest Faerie
